Damascenes Promote Use of Bicycles to Avoid Traffic Jams Caused by Influx of Displaced Residents

Damascenes Promote Use of Bicycles to Avoid Traffic Jams Caused by Influx of Displaced Residents

More than 600 residents of Damascus from all ages participated in an event to promote the use of bicycles, mainly to avoid traffic jams, as well as to promote a healthier and environment-friendly lifestyle.

Commuting by vehicles has become problematic in the last couple of years due to the increase in the number of vehicles on the streets of Damascus, caused mainly by the influx of residents from the Damascus countryside who were displaced due to the ongoing war.

Fayrouz « Damas »

Azouzi & Maha

A propos azouzi

"J'ai fait le premier pas et le plus pénible dans le labyrinthe obscur et fangeux de mes confessions. Ce n'est pas ce qui est criminel qui coûte le plus à dire, c'est ce qui est ridicule et honteux." Jean-Jacques Rousseau : Les confessions
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