Syria: Doctors in Aleppo refute Western media lies

Truth is Faster than Lies



Doctors in government-controlled Aleppo protest against armed groups after an attack on maternity hospital Al-Dabit on May 3 2016.

Canadian freelance journalist and justice activist Eva Bartlett writes:

[…] In Aleppo, I met with doctors from the Aleppo Medical Association (established in 1959), including Dr. Zahar Buttal, Dr. Tony Sayegh, and Dr. Nabil Antaki.

One question I posed to the doctors was regarding the other oft-repeated lie of the « last pediatrician » in Aleppo, a startling allegation designed to shock western readers and rally them against the Syrian government. And one which has no basis in truth.

Dr. Zahar Buttal, Chairman of the Aleppo Medical Association, refuted such allegations, noting that Aleppo has 180 pediatricians still working in the city. Of one of the alleged lone pediatricians he said: « The media says the only pediatrician in Aleppo was killed in a hospital called Quds. In reality, it was a field hospital, not…

Voir l’article original 1 206 mots de plus

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"J'ai fait le premier pas et le plus pénible dans le labyrinthe obscur et fangeux de mes confessions. Ce n'est pas ce qui est criminel qui coûte le plus à dire, c'est ce qui est ridicule et honteux." Jean-Jacques Rousseau : Les confessions
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